history continued
Beginning in March 1897, Miss Anthony, her biographer Ida Husted Harper, and several stenographers spent countless weeks in the third-floor workroom of the house going through Miss Anthony’s papers and diaries in preparation for Miss Anthony’s three-volume biography. In the biography, The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony, Husted Harper wrote of the labors undertaken in the workroom and the tree that kept watch over their pursuits:
“And thus was the task continued, day after day, and far into the night, for much more than a year. The snows of winter melted away; the bare branches of the tall chestnut trees which towered above the windows put forth their buds and burst into a wilderness of snowy blossoms; the birds built their nests among the green leaves, reared their young and flew away with them to warmer climes before the chill winds of approaching autumn; again the naked branches stretched out to a stormy sky and the snow lay deep on the frozen ground while the story followed the life and work of the great historic character through the slow unfolding of the depths of the past.”