Soldiers' Monument, South Berwick, ME
Soldiers' Monument, South Berwick, ME

South Berwick,


United States

Soldiers' Monument

In the late 1700s this was the site of the Meeting House of the Plains, a Baptist church that doubled as a government seat through the 1850s. Also at that time, the militia used the surrounding level fields as a parade ground, naming the area “the Plain.” Its military association made the Plain a logical choice for the town’s Civil War monument, dedicated in 1901. The rural setting, now entirely residential, is fairly unusual in Maine for a Civil War monument; many were associated with prominent public buildings or were located close to the heart of town. In the early 20th century the site was known as Jewett Park, as relatives of famed author Sarah Orne Jewett owned homes in the neighborhood.

The triangular site is less than ¼ acre and is formed by the intersection of two roads. It consists of the Civil War monument, three historic cannons, flagpole, and a contemporary veterans memorial. The landscape is simple, with deciduous trees, shrubs, and lawns edged with granite curbing. The revered site is a local landmark used only for memorial celebrations.

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