Light Recording: Greatest Lunar Apogee/Perigee of 2004. Installation view: RULE Gallery, Denver, CO, solo exhibition, 2006 - Photo courtesy Erika Blumenfeld

Erika Blumenfeld to Guest Curate TCLF's Instagram

NASA artist-in-residence, Erika Blumenfeld, an artist who works “at the intersection art, science, nature, and culture” will take over TCLF’s Instagram account - @TCLFdotORG – January 25-29, 2021. As Blumenfeld has written: "I’m interested in the place where human culture and our natural environment connect." To learn more about the artist, please read her It Takes One profile on TCLF’s website.

Untitled (Antarctica, 05 February 2009 00:21:17 GMT)
Untitled (Antarctica, 05 February 2009 00:21:17 GMT) - Photo by Erika Blumenfield