University of Toronto - St. George Campus, Toronto, ON, Canada

Second Wave of Modernism III: Leading with Landscape Conference



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Toronto Conference
Friday, May 22 | 8:30am to 5:15pm
Isabel Bader Theatre, University of Toronto, 93 Charles Street West. Toronto ON M5S 2C7

Thanks to the support of our generous sponsors, the early bird rate will be extended up to the conference.

Leading with Landscape will tackle numerous issues including those that deal with the city’s identity – what does it mean for a 21st-century city to be historic and modern at the same time? – and stewardship – what new models for public/private financing and management are emerging? This is the third installment in TCLF's Second Wave of Modernism conference series. 

The international implications of this planning and development strategy will be to address whether a 21st-century city can be both regional and global, and whether we can we use landscape as an engine to meet market demands while cultivating a sustainable urbanism.

Participating speakers, including internationally significant private-sector practitioners working on current and proposed projects in Toronto, municipal leaders, leading critics and thinkers, and academics from Canada, the US and the Netherlands, will also examine how existing parks and open spaces are adapted to accommodate contemporary and future needs and expectations, and how innovative landscape planning and design techniques developed in Toronto apply to other cities, and vice versa – and the impact of imported ideas on local conditions.
6.5 LA CES™ professional development hours available to attendees.

Opening Reception
Thursday, May 21 | 5:00 to 7:00pm
Gardiner Museum, 111 Queen's Park, Toronto ON M5S 2C7

This event will launch the conference, What's Out There Weekend Toronto, and the What's Out There Toronto Guide. The evening will also honor the tremendous efforts by students and faculty at Ryerson University, who have done extensive research and produced entries for the What's Out There database, the inaugural site outside of the US.

Toronto the Good Reception
Friday, May 22 | 6:30 to 11pm
The Fermented Cellar, Historic Distillery District, 28 Distillery Lane, Toronto ON M5A 4R2

In its eleventh year, Toronto the Good, an annual party hosted by ERA Architects, will take place at The Fermenting Cellar in the historic Distillery District. The restored red brick, Victorian-era complex that once housed the Gooderham & Worts whiskey distillery is now an exciting destination with more than 70 cultural and retail operations.  Join us for free hors d'oeuvres, cash bar, and a lively crowd of people passionate about design and democracy in Toronto. Admission is free but registration is required.

Evergreen Brick Works Tour and Reception
Saturday, May 23 | 6 to 9pm
Evergreen Brick Works, 550 Bayview Avenue, Toronto ON M4W 3X8

Join us for a late afternoon tour and twilight reception - featuring creative, local cuisine paired with Ontario’s top wines and craft beers - in the BMO Atrium at Evergreen Brick Works. The former Don Valley Pressed Brick Works Company, which produced bricks that built many of Toronto’s landmark buildings, is now a global showcase for green design and urban sustainability - and it was named one of the world’s Top Ten geotourism sites by National Geographic.

What's Out There® Weekend Toronto
Saturday and Sunday, May 23-24 | 9am to 5pm
Various sites in and around Toronto, ON

Our inaugural What's Out There Weekend outside of US borders, join TCLF for free, expert-led tours of more than two dozen landscapes ranging from historic sites to recent waterfront developments. Held in conjunction with Doors Open, this weekend will feature a wide diversity of parks, commemorative landscapes, campuses, and streetscapes with tours that will elucidate the complex and fascinating story of the development of this incredible city. This event is designed to help us understand and appreciate the invaluable landscapes in our midst. Registrations are now open.

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