Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

Fannye Ratner Shafran (in memoriam)

Posted: Sep 27, 2019

Statement: This gift was made in memory of my mother, Fannye Shafran, who died seventeen years ago. It expresses the tremendous pride that I know she would take in her daughter Joan Shafran’s hard work and philanthropy on behalf of The Cultural Landscape Foundation and other organizations, together with the important activities her involvement sustains. Our mother was a lover of flowers, beautiful yards, and old houses. I know she would appreciate TCLF's work to publicize and help preserve important landscapes. I can also envision our father asking for the umpteenth time, just to make conversation, “Could you please explain this thing that Joanie does with the golf courses?”

                  –Paula Krulak, September 28, 2019


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