Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC

Janet L. Rosenberg

Posted: Sep 24, 2019

Janet Rosenberg & Studio is a widely published, award-winning company recognized for innovation and design excellence in landscape architecture. Founded by Janet Rosenberg in 1983, the studio has produced an extensive portfolio of work across Canada and the United States. The firm’s most recent projects focus on dynamic public realm strategies with a high level of sustainability. Ms. Rosenberg has been recognized as a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) and of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA). She was awarded an honorary doctorate from Ryerson University. She has also been the recipient of a prestigious Urban Leadership Award from the Canadian Urban Institute, the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects’ Pinnacle Award for Landscape Architectural Excellence, and the Governor General of Canada Confederation Medal. She currently serves on The Cultural Landscape Foundation’s Stewardship Council.

Statement: Cornelia practiced landscape architecture at a time when the profession had little visibility or presence. Her strong voice, commitment, and steadfast perseverance allowed the field to grow and gain prominence and respect. Her passion, conviction, and longevity have been an inspiration to me personally as both a landscape architect and a woman professional running my own firm. For me, the wonder of Cornelia has been her constant growth and exploration of the profession over the course of her career. She is and always has been a force to be reckoned with. 

I was motivated to contribute to the 100 Women Campaign because I love this profession, and I want to support endeavors that will continue to raise the visibility of the field and push conventional boundaries. I think the 100 Women Campaign will have a lasting impact and legacy.  

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