The Parrish Art Museum in Water Mill, New York, will be holding a special weekend event entitled Landscape Pleasures, held this year in memory of landscape architect, author, and Landscape Pleasures committee member Jack deLashmet.
The weekend’s activities begin on Saturday morning, June 11, with a symposium featuring Andrea Cochran and Darrel Morrison, in addition to TCLF president and CEO Charles A. Birnbaum, FASLA, FAAR. Drawing heavily on the work of The Cultural Landscape Foundation with many of its collaborators, Birnbaum will highlight the diversity of resource types throughout Long Island and the nation, emphasizing stewardship strategies and opportunities for public engagement. He will also describe the interface between history/historic preservation and natural systems/ecology in weighing decisions and how it provides an armature for new ideas and strategies.
On Saturday evening, ticket purchasers at the Sponsor level and above will be invited for cocktails at a private Hamptons garden. On Sunday, June 12, there will be a self-guided garden tour that will focus on a selection of inspiring Hamptons properties.
For more information and to register, please visit the Parrish Art Mueum website.