Press Coverage
Peavey Plaza Press Coverage 2011
October 11, 2011: Minneapolis Star Tribune
Designers Rally to Preserve Minneapolis Plaza
October 18, 2011: MPR News
Architects, preservationists concerned over Peavey Plaza's future
October 19, 2011: Minneapolis Star Tribune
A new vision for Peavey Plaza
October 20, 2011: Fox News
Peavey Plaza Renovations Rile Critics
October 25, 2011: Minneapolis Star Tribune
HuffPo blogger blasts Peavey Plaza plan
October 27, 2011: Minneapolis Star Tribune
Seems the public has been shut out from meaningful input on the changes
October 27, 2011: Minneaplis Star Tribune
Peavey Plaza, as it was and will be
October 27, 2011: Minneapolis Star Tribune
Editorial: Polishing a gem in the heart of the city
November 8, 2011: The Journal
A new future for Peavey Plaza